Early Symptoms of Pregnancy - Medshield Movement

Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

At Medshield, we’re here to support our moms and moms-to-be on their road to healthy motherhood and a healthy pregnancy. Here, we take a look at what the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy could look and what to keep an eye out for in your journey to motherhood.

The South African National Department of Health has dedicated 10 to 16 February 2025 as Pregnancy Awareness Week, which aims to improve education about pregnancy with the objective of promoting healthy pregnancy and safe motherhood.

Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Every pregnancy is different and symptoms can vary from woman to woman. However, the most common early signs of pregnancy include:

  1. Missed Period
    A missed menstrual cycle is often the first and most noticeable sign of pregnancy. If your period is late and you’re sexually active and not using contraceptives, taking a home pregnancy test is a good first step. It is possible to get false negatives if you’re testing too early and sometimes it’s a good idea to take a couple tests to make sure. If you’re trying to fall pregnant, testing and tracking your cycle with the use of apps, ovulation tests and pregnancy tests will help you keep track of your menstrual cycle and data.
  2. Morning Sickness
    Morning sickness is feeling nauseous with or without vomiting at any time of the day (despite the name!) due to the sudden hormonal changes and rising levels of hCG and oestrogen in your system when pregnant. This experience is unique to each individual and may or may not occur during pregnancy. Most morning sickness dissipates after the first trimester.
  3. Breast tenderness and changes
    Hormonal changes can make your breasts feel swollen, tender or even heavier and the areolas may also change or darken during pregnancy. Some breasts change in size very early on in pregnancy and may feel sensitive to the touch.
  4. Tirednes
    Increased levels of progesterone can cause excessive fatigue and drowsiness in the first month or two or pregnancy. Think about it this way: your body is working really hard to support a growing baby and this could lead to lower blood-sugar levels and lowered blood pressure. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, cutting down on the caffeine may also have side effects.
  5. Cravings & Aversions
    Some experience a heightened sense of smell (hyperosmia), which can make certain foods, like spicy dishes, coffee, meat or fried foods, unbearable. The sense of taste may also change, leading to an increased preference for sweet, salty, sour, or umami-rich foods. Pregnancy also affects insulin and blood-sugar levels, which may trigger cravings for carbohydrates, sweets and salty foods to maintain energy levels. Some cravings may indicate a nutrient deficiency. Craving leafy greens? You might need more iron. Craving citrus fruits? You might be low on vitamin C.
  6. Mood Swings
    While this might be confused for the same mood swings that may occur around PMS, the hormonal fluctuations that come with early pregnancy could lead to feelings of irritability, anxiousness and increase in emotional sensitivity. All of this is completely normal, however if you are experiencing severe mood swings or persistent sadness, consider speaking to your doctor as there may be something else underlying.
  7. Spotting
    Some women experience light bleeding or spotting, known as implantation bleeding, around 10-14 days after conception. This could easily be mistaken for a light, short period.

If you think you may be pregnant, consult your medical doctor as soon as possible to confirm your pregnancy and ensure you’re getting the necessary prenatal care. Early medical attention helps promote a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

Confirmed you’re pregnant? Sign up to our #MedshieldMom content at https://medshieldmom.co.za/ and get a dedicated newsletter with helpful information and an amazing #MedshieldMom ‘baby bag’ when you register.

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