Global Move For Health Day Medshield Challenge - Medshield Movement

Global Move For Health Day Medshield Challenge

10 May: Global Move For Health Day Medshield Challenge: 10 ways to move for health on 10 may.

It’s “Global Move For Health Day” on 10 May and we’ve got a great #MedshieldMovement challenge for you! Complete the challenge “10 Ways To Move More on 10 May” and tag us on social media @medshieldsa

  1. Morning Stretch Routine
    Begin the day with a quick stretching session at home to wake up your muscles and improve flexibility. Not sure where to start? Try a simple yoga routine like this one:
  2. Walk or Cycle to Work
    If safe enough to do so, opt for walking or cycling to work instead of driving or taking public transportation. Or add a slightly longer walk to your office by parking a little further away or getting out of your public transport a block or two earlier. This is a great way to incorporate movement into your commute.
  3. Take the Stairs
    Instead of the elevator, choose the stairs whenever possible. This simple change can add extra steps and elevate your heart rate throughout the day.
  4. Lunchtime Walk
    Use your lunch break to go for a brisk walk around your workplace or nearby park. It’s a refreshing way to break up the workday and get some fresh air. If you go out for coffee, perhaps choose a coffee shop a little further away to get extra steps in.
  5. Desk Exercises
    Incorporate desk exercises into your work routine, such as seated leg lifts, desk push-ups or shoulder rolls to keep your body moving even while sitting. Adding simple stretches like neck rolls, shoulder stretches and seated spinal twists can help alleviate tension and improve posture, even in a busy office environment. Here are some great suggestions of workouts you can do at your desk:
  6. Standing/ Walking Meetings
    Whenever appropriate, suggest standing or walking meetings to add more movement into your workday while discussing tasks or projects with colleagues.
  7. Active Desk Setup
    Try incorporating active elements into your workspace, such as using a standing desk or sitting on a stability ball instead of a traditional chair. These alternatives can encourage movement, improve circulation and engage core muscles while you work.
  8. Post-Work Workout
    Dedicate time after work to a workout session, whether it’s at the gym, a fitness class, or a home workout routine. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity ideally one hour. If you’re an early bird, then aim to get your workout done in the morning. Looking for some home workouts? We’ve got you covered! Visit our resource page here:
  9. Evening Stroll
    Taking a leisurely evening stroll around your neighbourhood before or after dinner is a relaxing way to unwind while still being active. Encourage your partner or family member to join you and use it as a way to catch up on the day’s events.
  10. Stretching Before Bed
    End the day with another round of stretching to help relax your muscles and promote better sleep quality. Try these stretches to loosen tight hip flexors  or this “Yoga for better Sleep” routine:


By incorporating these manageable activities into your daily routine, you can stay active and celebrate Global Move for Health Day even with a full-time job. Remember to prioritise movement that fits your schedule and lifestyle and don’t forget to share your journey using #MedshieldMovement on social media!



DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This article may contain information related to exercise, fitness, diet, and nutrition, which is intended solely for your personal use and informational purposes. Before commencing any exercise, fitness, diet, or nutrition regimen, especially if you are pregnant or have pre-existing health conditions, you should consult with a physician. Nothing on this site should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. For any symptoms or health concerns, please consult a healthcare professional.
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content may contain information related to exercise, fitness, diet, and nutrition, which is intended solely for your personal use and informational purposes. Before commencing any exercise, fitness, diet, or nutrition regimen, especially if you are pregnant or have pre-existing health conditions, you should consult with a physician. Nothing on this site should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. For any symptoms or health concerns, please consult a healthcare professional