Quick Ways to Boost Concentration - Medshield Movement

Quick Ways to Boost Concentration

Feeling that midday slump? Struggling to focus? Use these tips to boost your concentration and prevent that energy crash.

We all struggle with concentration from time to time, but there are ways to instantly boost our focus and tips to ensure that you have sustained energy throughout the day.

How to prevent an energy crash

In general, humans struggle with concentrating when we are fatigued, stressed and have not managed our nutrition correctly. For example, eating high-energy, sugary or nutrient-poor foods will often lead to you feeling a sensation of exhaustion, lack of energy and concentration. The best way to avoid this is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet throughout the day.

Often when we begin to feel fatigued we are also experiencing a level of dehydration. It’s easy to forget to drink as water in winter as we would consume in summer as we trade cold beverages for hot ones. Place a jug or large bottle of water on your desk to remind yourself to drink regularly throughout the day. If you struggle with drinking water alone, try caffeine-free herbal teas such as mint or rooibos.

Manage your sleeping patterns and environment. Prioritising good-quality rest is essential for performance at work. Start by working out a bedtime routine, limit caffeine after lunchtime, make sure your bedroom is dark and devoid of blinking lights.

Studies have also shown that regular exercise helps to increase energy levels throughout the day, so make sure that you keep moving your body even in the winter months. Train your brain by playing games in your downtime that will help to build concentration levels over time. Great examples include chess, crossword puzzles, sudoku, word searches, puzzles and memory games.

Tips to instantly boost focus and energy

  1. Play an upbeat song.
  2. Take a quick walk (outside if possible for fresh air).
  3. Have a glass of water.
  4. Reduce multitasking by writing a clear list of what needs to be done and approach one thing at a time.
  5. Switch tasks if needed.
  6. Place a timer on and focus for 20 minutes, then take a break for five minutes and repeat.
  7. Eliminate distractions (clear your desk, put your headphones on, put away your smartphone).

It is also possible for concentration difficulties to relate to underlying mental or physical health conditions. If you or a family member present with frequent and persistent concentration difficulties, it may be time to consult with your doctor.



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