Summer Is Here: Beach Arm Workout - Medshield Movement

Summer Is Here: Beach Arm Workout

Heading to the beach this summer? This beach arm workout is a great way to sneak in some strength training while on holiday. Plus you can get the whole family to join in!

This beach arm workout takes approximately 15 minutes and will keep those limbs strong through the festive season (this workout is also perfect for grass lawns). All you need is a towel and a fairly flat surface area (you may need to even out the sand a bit). Take a 30 second rest between each move.

1. Arm circles

Stand tall with your arms straight out to your sides. Slowly make circles with your arms, moving in a clockwise direction, by rotating them around your shoulders while keeping them straight and your elbows locked. Do this for 30 seconds and then change to anti-clockwise for another 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of three sets.

2. Plank With Shoulder Taps

Begin in a push-up plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your arms straight. Bring your left hand up to tap your right shoulder, before returning your hand to the floor. Repeat with your right hand and left shoulder. Repeat, alternating for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of three sets.

(To make the exercise more challenging, keep your feet together. To make it easier, widen your feet.)

3. Knee Push-ups

Begin in a push-up plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your arms straight, but bring your knees down to the towel. Lower your body down to the floor and then push back up again. Repeat 10 times and then rest for 30 seconds. Do three sets.

(To make the exercise more challenging, do full push-ups with your body off the towel. To make the exercise easier, widen your hands.)

4. Floor Dips

Start with your bum on the ground and hands splayed out behind you, knees up with feet on the ground. Lift your bum off the ground, like a Reverse Table Top, arms straight, but head facing forwards. Now, bend your arms at the elbows, so that your body naturally lowers back down towards the ground (don’t touch the towel). Now straighten your arms again, lifting your body back up. Focus on keeping the movement in the arms and not the hips. Repeat 10 times and then rest for 30 seconds. Do three sets

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