Summer Is Here: Beach Leg Day Workout - Medshield Movement

Summer Is Here: Beach Leg Day Workout

This beach leg workout takes approximately 15 minutes and will keep those limbs strong through the festive season (this workout is also perfect for grass lawns). All you need is a towel and a fairly flat surface area (you may need to even out the sand a bit). Take a 30 second rest between each move.

  1. Plie Squat
    Plié squats are great for targeting muscles in your legs and glutes that aren’t worked so hard in regular squats. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out into a 45-degree angle. Bend knees and lower your torso, keeping your back straight and abs tight. Squeeze glutes and then return to standing. Do 12 to 15 and then rest for 30 seconds, before repeating for a total of three sets.
  2. Backwards Lunge
    Standing at the top of your towel, Step your right foot back into a lunge position and lower your right knee down to just touch the floor. Lift it back up and return to standing. Repeat the move with your left leg. Do 10 to 12 each side, alternating, then rest for 30 seconds, before repeating for a total of three sets.
  3. Long Jumps
    This power move will strengthen legs and get the heart rate going. Stand straight, then squat down and jump explosively as far forward as you can. Repeat, trying to go as far as possible. Do this for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for a total of three sets.
  4. Fire Hydrant
    Come down onto all fours on your mat in a Table Top position, hands below shoulders and knees below hips. Keep your belly button drawn in toward your spine, back flat, and your right leg bent at 90 degrees. Lift your leg out to your right side, stopping at hip height and then lower back down. Repeat 20 times on your right side before repeating the move with your left leg. Rest for 30 seconds between sets, doing a total of three sets.
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