Time For An Eye Test? - Medshield Movement

Time For An Eye Test?

Headaches? Difficulty concentrating? These could be signs that you need to go for an eye test.
Or perhaps you suspect a loved one may need to get their eyes tested. Here’s how to know when it’s time to make the call and a list of signs and symptoms to look out for.

From mid-September until mid-October, the South African government has declared this period: Eye Care Awareness Month. This year’s event kicks off on 21 September to raise awareness about the importance of eye health, specifically around prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness. According to the SA government, 75% of all cases of blindness are avoidable, which is why they recommend getting your eyes tested once a year.

If you don’t test regularly and you’re not sure what to look out for in terms of signs or symptoms, we have created a handy checklist for you below. If an elderly person in your family or a child may be experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s advisable to contact your medical doctor. Impaired vision could also be a sign of another underlying health issue or condition, so keep an eye on the below checklist:

10 Signs That You Need An Eye test

  1. Blurry Vision
    If you start experiencing sudden or gradual blurry vision, to the point that it interferes with daily activities such as reading, driving or watching television.
  1. Difficulty Focusing
    If you find it hard to focus on objects up close or far away.
  2. Eye Strain
    If your eyes often feel tired, achy or strained, particularly after reading, using digital devices, or doing close work.
  1. Headaches
    Frequent headaches, especially after reading or working on a computer.
  1. Squinting
    If you frequently find yourself squinting to see clearly.
  1. Light Sensitivity
    Seeing halos around lights, experiencing glare from oncoming headlights while driving at night, or having increased sensitivity to light.
  1. Double Vision
    Seeing double images even when looking at a single object.
  1. Changes in Colour Perception
    If you notice changes in how you perceive colours or have difficulty distinguishing between certain colours
  1. Floaters and Flashes
    Sudden appearance of floaters – small spots or cobweb-like shapes – or flashes of light in your vision.
  1. Loss of Peripheral Vision
    If you notice a gradual loss of your side vision.

If your family has a history of eye conditions, it’s important to get tested regularly and to alert your doctor immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms. People with diabetes or hypertension are also at a higher risk of getting certain eye conditions. Regular eye exams are crucial to monitor for any signs of diabetic retinopathy or hypertensive retinopathy.

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