Valentine’s Month Love Your Heart Garden Cardio Workout - Medshield Movement

Valentine’s Month Love Your Heart Garden Cardio Workout

During the month of love, we’re bringing you heart-healthy workouts and recipes that are good for your ticker. This cardio workout does not include going for a run or ride and can be done in the comfort of your garden or local park.

This 30-minute backyard cardio workout is a great way to boost energy levels and feel-good endorphins during the month of love. This cardio workout will also strengthen different parts of you body, making it an ideal session if you only have 30 minutes.
Best news of all? No equipment needed. Let’s go!

5-minute warm-up:
2-min jogging on the spot
1-min high-knees
1-min butt kicks
1-min jumping jacks

–– 1-minute rest ––

Set 1:

Do three sets of the below, resting for 30-seconds after each set, totalling: 10-mins + 30-secs.
1-min skaters
Lean forward, jump to the right, bring your left foot behind you and left arm in front of you. Jump to the left and bring your right arm in front of you and right foot behind you. Repeat this from side-to-side.
1-min squat jumps
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your arms bent, lower your body into a squat, hips parallel with your knees. Then propel your body up and off the floor, bringing your arms above your head as you jump. Land back down and begin again.
Beginner: Squat and stand up without the jumping motion.
1-min mountain climbers
Start in a high plank position, hands below shoulders. Pull your right knee into your chest, then switch legs and pull your left knee into your chest. Keep your hips down and run your knees in and out, alternating.

Set 2:

Do three sets of the below, resting for 30-seconds after each set, totalling: 10-mins + 30-secs.
1-min lateral shuffle
Start standing with your feet hip distance apart and sink into a deep knee bend with your hands (in fists) in front of your chest (guard position). Start with your right foot moving right and your left foot following. Shuffle to one side four times and back the other way four times. Repeat.
1-min jumping lunges
Get into a lunge position and prepare to jump by first sinking down into the lunge and then propelling yourself upwards. As you jump into the air, quickly switch your feet around so that you land into a lunge with your opposite foot in front. Don’t forget to switch your arms too! Keep alternating.

Beginner: Do alternating lunges without the jumping motion.

1-min bodyweight squat thrusts
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Jump your feet back into a push-up position. Jump your legs in again towards your hands and stand up.

–– This will bring you to 26-minutes, but if you need to take more rest breaks, include them as necessary – the workout will just be longer ––

4-minute cool-down:
1-min windmill
2-min slow jogging on the spot
1-min cooling breath
While standing, inhale and lift your arms to the sky, exhale forward and fold down. Inhale to come up again and exhale to forward fold again. Repeat, slowing down as you go, getting your heart rate to slow down as well.

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