Warm up quickly and burn calories with these 5 bodyweight moves! - Medshield Movement

Warm up quickly and burn calories with these 5 bodyweight moves!

We know that running or jumping on the watt bike will warm you up in no time, but what strength moves help you generate heat – and lose calories at the same time? Read more…

This set of exercise moves will heat up the body quickly and you’ll be burning fat and building muscle in no time.
You can do these moves from the comfort of your home. No equipment needed!

Move 1: Lunges

Set: Do 3 sets of 10 reps on each side, resting for 20 to 30 seconds in between. It should feel really hard by the end.

Advanced: Make one set – or all three – jumping lunges.

Move 2: Squats
Set: Do 3 sets of 20 squats, resting for 20 to 30 seconds in between. It should feel really hard by the end.

Advanced: Make one set – or all three – jumping squats.

Move 3: Mountain Climbers

Set: Do 3 sets of 30 seconds, resting for 20 to 30 seconds in between. It should feel really hard by the end.

Advanced: Go faster or extend the time to 40-45 seconds.

Move 4: Jumping Jacks / Star Jumps

Set: Do 3 sets of 30 seconds, resting for 20 to 30 seconds in between. It should feel really hard by the end.

Advanced: Extend the time to 40-45 seconds.

Move 5: Inchworm

Set: Stand up straight, then bend down and walk your hands out until you are in a shoulder plank and then reverse the move to standing. Do 10 of these (that’s one set), resting for 20 to 30 seconds in between sets.

Advanced: Add a push-up each time you are in the plank for extra arm strength. Alternatively add a jump when you are in standing position for extra leg strength.

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