There are a number of reasons why exercising with your partner can strengthen your bond as well as help you stick to your fitness routine and goals. Here’s why you should give it a try…
Despite the hashtags on instagram – #CoupleGoals #CouplesWhoTrainTogetherStayTogether – there is actual science behind why training together can be great for your relationship and your health.
- Training together with your significant other means you automatically have an accountability partner in each other and are more likely to go get your workouts done, which is better for your long-term health and you’re more likely to achieve your goals.
- Studies have shown that exercising with your partner can be a great way to effectively spend time together and bond, especially if you’re already feeling time-strapped.
- Being fitter literally makes you feel better (read: more attractive) and this alone can be beneficial for both partners in a relationship. This is because of a number of factors, including an increase in testosterone, which happens when you’re active, and those feel-good endorphins which you get after exercising – these naturally boost your mood and release stress, making for a better loved-up environment.
- Having a shared goal can bring you closer together. That goal doesn’t have to be running a 10km race at the same pace, but it can be about both getting the race done and supporting each other through your training. Waking up early together and hitting the gym or park or taking a walk or a hike can all work wonders.
- There’s nothing like completing a challenge together to give you a real sense of “team” and joint achievement. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that couples reported feeling more positive about their relationship or more in love after jointly completing a physical activity or a physical challenge.