Heard Of The Tapping Method? Here’s How It Works To Ease Anxiety - Medshield Movement

Heard Of The Tapping Method? Here’s How It Works To Ease Anxiety

Ever found yourself in a situation where your anxiety can feel overwhelming? This method is a great way to centre yourself and find a feeling of calm. Here we explain what the Tapping Method is, how it works and how to do it.

A study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that participants who practised Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) reported significant reductions in anxiety and distress. The tapping process is believed to calm the amygdala, the brain’s fear centre, allowing individuals to process their emotions more effectively.

So what is The Tapping Method?
It’s a therapeutic technique that combines cognitive therapy and exposure therapy with acupressure and works when a person taps on specific points on their body while focusing on specific thoughts or feelings.

Practising the Tapping Method
1. Start by identifying a specific cause of anxiety or concern, for example, this can be something like a fear of failing while giving a presentation to your manager or feelings of claustrophobia and lack of control while being on an aeroplane.

2. Create a self-affirming statement that can help you in times like this, for example, ‘Even though <insert cause of stress> makes me feel anxious, I completely accept myself.’

3. Begin the tapping process by using your fingertips to tap certain parts of your body while repeating the statement to yourself.
Start with:

  • The temples
  • The forehead
  • The beginning of the eyebrows
  • The side of your eyes
  • Under your eyes
  • Under your nose
  • Chin / jawlines
  • Collarbone
  • Shoulders
  • Arms, alternating

Continue to repeat the process until you start to feel calmer.

Many people are affected by stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. If this feeling becomes persistent, consult with your medical doctor about medical or therapeutic options available to you. Do a self check-in. Read this article explaining how to start here: https://medshieldmovement.co.za/5-great-self-check-ins-for-world-mental-health-day/
See that someone else may be in distress, read this article on how to help others in a crises: https://medshieldmovement.co.za/how-to-support-someone-in-crisis/

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